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Saturday, October 22, 2011

Some important commands in MATLAB


HELP Display help text in Command Window.

HELP, by itself, lists all primary help topics. Each primary topic
      corresponds to a directory name on the MATLABPATH.

      HELP / lists a description of all operators and special characters.

      HELP FUN displays a description of and syntax for the function FUN.
      When FUN is in multiple directories on the MATLAB path, HELP displays
      information about the first FUN found on the path.

      help close - displays help for the CLOSE function.


DEMO Access product demos via Help browser.

    DEMO opens the Demos pane in the Help browser, listing
    demos for all installed products that are selected
    in the Help browser product filter.

    DEMO SUBTOPIC opens the Demos pane to the specified
    SUBTOPIC, which can be 'matlab', 'toolbox',
    'simulink', 'blockset', or 'links and targets'.

    DEMO SUBTOPIC CATEGORY opens the Demos pane to the
    specified CATEGORY, where CATEGORY can be a product
    or category within SUBTOPIC.
        demo matlab


WHO    List current variables.
    WHO lists the variables in the current workspace.


WHOS List current variables, long form.
    WHOS is a long form of WHO.  It lists all the variables in the current
    workspace, together with information about their size, bytes, class,


CLEAR  Clear variables and functions from memory.
    CLEAR removes all variables from the workspace.


CLC    Clear command window.
    CLC clears the command window and homes the cursor.


CLOSE  Close figure.
CLOSE, by itself, closes the current figure window.


QUIT Quit MATLAB session.
    QUIT terminates MATLAB after running the script FINISH.M,
    if it exists. The workspace information will not be saved
    unless FINISH.M calls SAVE. If an error occurs while
    executing FINISH.M, quitting is cancelled.

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